Couscous with Roasted Sweet Potato and Beetroot
This recipe is ridiculously easy and the best part is that it’s not only healthy it’s high in antioxidants and is also anti-inflammatory.
The most time consuming part is roasting the sweet potato and beetroot and to be honest it really doesn’t take that long. Hmm, the smell of roasting veggies:)
I’ve been slowly changing our food style the last few months and each time I make a new dish I wait to hear what Kris’ verdict is on it. I know if it’s been a hit or a flop by how much he eats and if he has seconds or not.
Lets just say that there was none of this dish left. Say no more.
Sweet potato- has an amazing list of health benefits including aiding digesting, immune booster, reduces arthritis pain, control diabetes, increases hydration plus many more benefits.
Beetroot- Not only is beetroot loaded with vitamins and minerals it is also high in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and promotes heart health.
Pine Nuts- According to Dr Josh Axe pine nuts are a nutrient-packed super nut offering incredible health benefits such as lowering cholesterol, weight loss, lower blood pressure, supports bone health as well as lowering the risk of some cancers. Now if that isn’t a super nutritious nut then I don’t know what is:)
If you’re gluten free you can swap the couscous for quinoa or amaranth.
“Healthy, anti-inflammatory & delicious”
Couscous with Roasted Sweet Potato
and Beetroot
1x sweet potato diced into chunks
1x beetroot diced into chunks
1c couscous cooked to instructions on packet
1tbsp butter
salt and pepper to taste
1pkt haloumi sliced
handful of pine nuts
Place 1 cup of couscous in a bowl and pour enough boiling water to cover it. Allow to stand for 5mins or until the water has been absorbed. Fluff couscous with a fork and add butter and salt and pepper. Set couscous aside.
Cut sweet potato and beetroot into chunks and place on a baking tray. Season with salt and pepper and drizzle oil over to bake. Place in over and roast at 150-180 degrees until golden brown.
Add rocket to couscous
Cut haloumi into strips and fry with a litle bit of oil until golden brown.
When sweet potato and beetroot is cooked place onto a plate with some paper towel to absorb any excess oil.
Add sweet potato and beetroot to couscous and rocket.
Place cooked haloumi on top and sprinkle on pine nuts.
Serve immediately.
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