How To Unleash The Power Of Your Words
When was the last time you paid attention to the words you speak or say to yourself?
Let me guess, you’ve never even thought about it? That was exactly my response when I was posed this question.
Most of us do not understand how powerful our words are. They carry powerful energy and can have an astounding impact on our life.
Our words have the power to build trust, offer encouragement, lift others up or they have the power to do the exact opposite. Most of us are completely unaware that we have this universal power available at our finger tips or in this case on the tips of our tongues.
Can you begin to see that where you are in life has a lot to do with the words you have been thinking and speaking about yourself, your life, your relationships, your health, your work and even your wealth?
We can choose to use this force to benefit us and others by using words of encouragement and empowerment or we can choose to use them destructively by using words of hate, despair, lack and worry.
It’s all up to us.
We have the choice.
“Words are like seeds that can turn into something real.”
Even when we think we are faced with a hopeless situation, we always have the power to choose the thoughts we think and the words we speak.
Words are like seeds that can turn into something real. Whether or not you realise it, your thoughts and words have energy and power attached to them and with each one we are molding and forming our reality and our lives.
“It is the word.... which builds the universe and commands its power.
According to Sharon Anne Klingler, author of the book POWER WORDS- Igniting Your Life With Lightening Force, ‘words do so much more than merely influence the people who hear or read them. They carry their own power and are an integral part of your electromagnetic field. They put out energy and they attract the same type of energy to you.’
Try This…..
Try this quick exercise to see for yourself the real power that words hold. Say the word ‘CERTAIN.’ Hold it in your mind. Say it out aloud. Allow the feeling of certainty to flow throughout your entire body. How do you feel when you say the word ‘CERTAIN?’ When you are certain you just know. You have no doubt, no second guessing. You have total and complete trust.
Now, say the word ‘UNCERTAIN’. Once again, hold it in your mind. Say it out loud. What thoughts and feelings come up when you focus on the word ‘UNCERTAIN?” Most likely it is the complete opposite of ‘CERTAIN.’ When you are uncertain you experience doubt and second guessing. You may even have a sense of uneasiness.
How Do Yo Want To Feel?
How would you rather feel, certain or uncertain? One word lifts you up, brings confidence and feels great. The other, feels heavy, lacking confidence and doesn’t feel all that great.
You may not be aware, but you have this power already within you and you can activate it right now simply by the words you choose to think about and use in your day to day language.
So, what are you saying to your self? Or more to the point, What are you attracting to yourself through the thoughts and words you are using?
Are you thinking and talking words of power, possibility, abundance and encouragement to yourself or are you bringing yourself down by thinking and speaking words of failure, lack, despondency and fear?
What kind of power can be lurking in the thoughts and words you are using everyday? What if you chose to become more conscious of all the words you think and say? What power and change could that create in your life?